Monday, January 23, 2012

Health Insurance Sales Industry Concerns 2012

A lot has changed over 2011.  In fact a popular projection one year ago was that the health insurance industry would have made changes that were in compliance with the PPACA or Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.  Some company’s have but the jury is still out on final rules and regulations which makes solidifying these changes difficult.  The delay is in part due to a constitutional challenge that is waiting a verdict by the Supreme Court, probably sometime this year.  In addition congress has organized a super committee that is responsible for investigating issues mainly pertaining to the economics of the healthcare industry, which in the end, could have large impacts on the industry.

Contrary to popular beliefs, many companies are finding the health insurance industry is not immune to market changes.  This is forcing many to rethink there sales strategies.  Some companies are joining forces, while others are seeing were they can change, adapt and evolve on there own.

What ever the case may be, this environment can certainly causes much anxiety for sales.  But Leads2Results can relieve some of the pressure.  We have health insurance leads available now, at great rates.  So no matter what the health care industry is doing you can rest assure you will be getting new customers.

To see how we can help visit our website at

Or drop us a line at 1-800-486-8616

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